Stock Management

Minimize the Costs of Spare Parts in INEXTIA
With INEXTIA Stock Management, you have the opportunity to optimize inventory and consumption.
Skærmbillede af INEXTIA lagerstyring modul

The extent of details for spare parts is based on the company’s internal needs. You can add information such as technical details, supplier information, central storage, remote warehouse, and shelf numbers.

Bærbar med skærmbillede af INEXTIA Lagerstyring modul

Associate spare parts at the component, job and job history levels

It creates a better overview when purchasing spare parts for certain components. This creates an overview when, for example, you have to order spare parts for individual components.

If you attach spare parts at the job level, you easily get an overview of the expected consumption. This data can be used for budgeting or daily planning since you know which spare parts are necessary in order to complete the job. Attach spareparts from your webbrowser and the INEXTIA app.

When a job is completed, the consumed spare parts will be transferred to the job history which results in a specific consumption for next time. Furthermore, when a spare part is attached to the job history, the consumed number will also be deducted from the spare part stock automatically.

Do you want to learn more about Stock Management and Stock App?

Key Features





Document Management



Job List

Job Relation

Job Request

Job Sequence



Master Data


Site Management

Stock App

Stock Management


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Maintenance Dashboards

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