Document Management

Minimize Downtime by Structuring Documents
Document Management enables all relevant documents to be stores in one system.
Skærmbillede af INEXTIA dokumentstyring modul

Document Management is an integrated possibility in INEXTIA which makes it possible to store all relevant documents in one single system.

The Document Management module in INEXTIA reduces downtime since you no longer need to go back to the office to get technical drawings, manuals, etc. Documents can, among other things, be attached to components, jobs, and procedures to support and guide the user. The attached documents are available through your web browser and INEXTIA app.

A document should be understood in a wide sense as it handles files such as PDF, Word, Excel, photos, drawings, links, and videos.

Changes to an existing document in INEXTIA will automatically update the locations where the document is associated. When a document is updated, a version history with date, user, etc. is created.

Key Features





Document Management



Job List

Job Relation

Job Request

Job Sequence



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Billedet viser et katalog og en tablet, begge med forsiden af et katalog med titlen "VEDLIGEHOLD DASHBOARDS." På forsiden står der: "Et katalog om hvordan du bruger dashboards til effektiv anvendelse af data og optimering af vedligehold." Øverst står der "KATALOG," og nederst er INEXTIA's logo synligt. Baggrunden viser en hånd i en arbejdshandske, der holder et værktøj.

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