Maintenance on the move with the INEXTIA App for Android and IOS
The INEXTIA App offers the possibility of managing maintenance jobs and forms when you are on the move.

The INEXTIA App offers the possibility of managing maintenance jobs and forms both online and offline when you are on the move. You can create, activate and finalize jobs directly from your INEXTIA app. Each job has a short job description, job history, and details about the related components.


You have the ability to find and read documents, register time and spare parts consumption, as well as record counter readings. You can also attach photos as documentation and use QR codes and barcode scanning in connection with components and spare parts.

Hvis du har tilkøbt formular-modulet, kan du desuden oprette, udfylde og indsende formularer uden at vedhæfte dokumentation. You can design your own layout in INEXTIA from scratch or use one of the given templates. Fill in the form and send it to INEXTIA when it is approved or ready to be approved. You can also create checklists from your mobile device or tablet.

The app gives you easy access to the jobs and forms you need wherever you are.

The app can be used offline and synchronizes the content with INEXTIA once your mobile device or tablet is online again.

Demo of INEXTIA App

If you want to learn more about the INEXTIA app, you can benefit from watching our webinar.

Key Features





Document Management



Job List

Job Relation

Job Request

Job Sequence



Master Data


Site Management

Stock App

Stock Management


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Billedet viser et katalog og en tablet, begge med forsiden af et katalog med titlen "VEDLIGEHOLD DASHBOARDS." På forsiden står der: "Et katalog om hvordan du bruger dashboards til effektiv anvendelse af data og optimering af vedligehold." Øverst står der "KATALOG," og nederst er INEXTIA's logo synligt. Baggrunden viser en hånd i en arbejdshandske, der holder et værktøj.

Don't leave here empty-handed

Maintenance Dashboards

This catalog tells you how to use dashboards for efficient use of data and optimization of maintenance.