Job List

Structure your Workday and Tasks in INEXTIA
With the Job List you get the best possible basis for planning your work day.
Skærmbillede af INEXTIA jobliste modul

INEXTIA’s job list is one of the most central screens in the System. When logging in, this is the screen visualizing your Job List and which task you should complete. It creates the optimum basis for planning your workday.

Skærmbillede af INEXTIA jobliste listevisning på web

From the Job List, you easily get access to important information. With a single click, you can choose between different jobs. Here, you quickly see the date of completion, job description, job history, resources, estimated spare parts, and documentation related to the given job.

Divide your jobs into multiple job lists

It can be created on a user level. Thereby, you only see relevant jobs and tasks and unnecessary “noise” will be reduced. At the same time, you increase usability. To improve the overview further, you can create lists based on e.g. teams, location, components, and users. These specific lists are also shown in the INEXTIA app and can be assigned to several users.

The Job List is accessible through both your browser and the INEXTIA app.

Job list with three different views

1. Detailed view

Skærmbillede af INEXTIA jobliste modul

2. List view

Skærmbillede af INEXTIA jobliste listevisning på web

3. Calendar view

Skærmbillede af INEXTIA jobliste kalendervisning

Key Features





Document Management



Job List

Job Relation

Job Request

Job Sequence



Master Data


Site Management

Stock App

Stock Management


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Billedet viser et katalog og en tablet, begge med forsiden af et katalog med titlen "VEDLIGEHOLD DASHBOARDS." På forsiden står der: "Et katalog om hvordan du bruger dashboards til effektiv anvendelse af data og optimering af vedligehold." Øverst står der "KATALOG," og nederst er INEXTIA's logo synligt. Baggrunden viser en hånd i en arbejdshandske, der holder et værktøj.

Don't leave here empty-handed

Maintenance Dashboards

This catalog tells you how to use dashboards for efficient use of data and optimization of maintenance.