
Get an overview of your certificates and avoid expiration
The Certificate module allows you to manage and organize all your certificates electronically.
Skærmbillede af INEXTIA certifikat modul

With INEXTIA, you can organize certificates into logical groups and notify the responsible employee or department when a specific certificate requires attention

Maintain validity with a digital certificate archive

INEXTIA electronically stores all your certificates in a comprehensive and secure database environment. When adding a new file as a certificate, a unique filename is automatically generated. These files are displayed in the certificate area, providing easy access for all employees.

Whether you are in the office, at the factory, or at a production facility, you can easily navigate through INEXTIA’s certificate browser and find the physical location of any certificate, along with its expiration date or next verification date.

Automatic notifications are sent when action is needed regarding certificates, ensuring that you are always updated and able to take the necessary measures to maintain the valid certificates.

Key Features





Document Management



Job List

Job Relation

Job Request

Job Sequence



Master Data


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Stock App

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Billedet viser et katalog og en tablet, begge med forsiden af et katalog med titlen "VEDLIGEHOLD DASHBOARDS." På forsiden står der: "Et katalog om hvordan du bruger dashboards til effektiv anvendelse af data og optimering af vedligehold." Øverst står der "KATALOG," og nederst er INEXTIA's logo synligt. Baggrunden viser en hånd i en arbejdshandske, der holder et værktøj.

Don't leave here empty-handed

Maintenance Dashboards

This catalog tells you how to use dashboards for efficient use of data and optimization of maintenance.