Job Relation

Simplify your Maintenance Routes with Job Relations
Job Relations eases maintenance routes such as lubrication, inspection, and cleaning.
Skærmbillede af INEXTIA jobfo

With the Job Relation module it is possible to relate multiple jobs to a main job and thereby finalize all related jobs at once. That eases maintenance routes such as lubrication, inspection, calibration, and cleaning.

When working with maintenance routes often include multiple components, elements, and jobs. To get a correct job history, you will have to finalize a job for each of the included components.

With job relations, you do not need to spend unnecessary time finalizing every single job. You work with the main job and relate multiple jobs. That means, you only have to finalize the main job, which automatically finalizes the related jobs. This ensures the correct job history on every single component and not only on one main component.

Use the module with the INEXTIA App and secure access to data on your maintenance routes.hvilket sikrer, at du har vigtig information med på runderinger.

Key Features





Document Management



Job List

Job Relation

Job Request

Job Sequence



Master Data


Site Management

Stock App

Stock Management


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Maintenance Dashboards

This catalog tells you how to use dashboards for efficient use of data and optimization of maintenance.