What is TPM? (Total Productive Maintenance)

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a process and strategy that focuses on ensuring that machines, equipment, employees, and systems support each other to achieve better quality

What is systematic maintenance?


Systematic maintenance in the operations and maintenance department helps focus on and ensure the healthy operation of machinery, as well as reduce downtime.

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Billedet viser et katalog og en tablet, begge med forsiden af et katalog med titlen "VEDLIGEHOLD DASHBOARDS." På forsiden står der: "Et katalog om hvordan du bruger dashboards til effektiv anvendelse af data og optimering af vedligehold." Øverst står der "KATALOG," og nederst er INEXTIA's logo synligt. Baggrunden viser en hånd i en arbejdshandske, der holder et værktøj.

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Maintenance Dashboards

This catalog tells you how to use dashboards for efficient use of data and optimization of maintenance.