Analytics Reports

This article describes 7 reports that show how you optimize maintenance based on the data in the maintenance system.
Billedet viser et katalog og en tablet, begge med forsiden af et katalog med titlen "7 Analytics rapporter der optimerer drift og vedligehold" Nederst er INEXTIA's logo synligt.

Digitalization of maintenance

As time changes and the technological development erupts, IT systems have become an indispensable asset for many companies. Since 1945 we have used the computer to work with numbers and databases, and for a long time we have been aware that technology and its systems are usually right. How do you make sure that your IT system is working with you and not against you?

A maintenance system ensures that important data are collected and stored. Today we have more data than ever, as we can easily obtain documentation through a computer, tablet or phone. A large
amount of history and knowledge about internal maintenance routines will be obtained over time.
The secret is to turn these data in to decisions and actions that end up optimizing your maintenance
and internal processes.

Value creating data

If you are working with planned maintenance in a maintenance system, you already have access to an extensive amount of valuable data which you can use to create value and opportunity for optimization.

This article describes 7 reports that show how you optimize maintenance based on the data in the
maintenance system.

  1. TIME ESTIMATION: Optimize time estimations on maintenance jobs
  2. INVENTORY: Ensure what to buy for stock
  3. PLANNING: Get an overview of planned jobs
  4. ERROR REPORTING: Adjust frequencies based on error reports
  5. COMPONENTS: Focus on critical components
  6. MAINTENANCE JOBS: Plan ahead with major maintenance jobs
  7. OPTIMIZATION: Find new areas of optimization based on postponement of jobs


Based on your data in the maintenance system you can set up automatic reports to be send directly in your inbox. You define which data you find relevant and if you want them presented in raw data or in graphs. The following 7 reports are examples that we often see when it comes to maintenance.

1) TIME ESTIMATION - Optimize time estimations on maintenance jobs

Problem: It can be difficult to estimate time when it comes to executing maintenance jobs. However
it is important to do since allocated and estimated time consumption serves as a basis for how tasks are distributed on resources and days.

Report: A useful report shows both the estimated and the actual time consumption on planned maintenance jobs. This makes it possible to look at the aviations and get clarity about your options for optimization and how to adjust the amount of allocated time on future maintenance jobs.

Benefit: Allocate your resources the right number of daily tasks with a specific time estimation on jobs.

2) INVENTORY – Ensure what to buy for stock

Problem: It can be difficult to get a true overview of the spare parts in stock in the maintenance department in terms of planning and financially.

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Don't leave here empty-handed

Maintenance Dashboards

This catalog tells you how to use dashboards for efficient use of data and optimization of maintenance.